Reentry Mentoring: Conversations from the Field on Working with System-Involved Youth
Hosted by the National Mentoring Partnership
Thousands of youth are arrested each year, beginning a gateway for many into the juvenile justice system. Throughout the country, mentoring programs are providing system-involved youth with the opportunity to be connected to a mentor in their own community to stop the cycle. In this webinar representatives from the following organizations share how they engage system-involved youth through mentoring and how they are expanding:
- Family Reentry has created a community-based mentoring model serving youth (ages 10-17) who are involved with juvenile probation. They work with the judicial branch to receive referrals for youth. These one-to-one community matches focus on supporting youth to build internal skills and assets to strengthen personal capacity and reduce recidivism.
- Nationally recognized for its unique approach to establish positive youth-adult relationships, The Governor’s Prevention Partnership serves as the capacity builder and fiduciary organization for Connecticut’s Juvenile Justice Mentoring Network. The Partnership provides ongoing training and technical assistance to help participating mentoring programs successfully work with system-involved youth using an evidence-based and wrap-around services mentoring model.
Watch this webinar to learn evidence-based strategies for how your mentoring program can support system-involved youth.
This webinar is part of the Collaborative Mentoring Webinar Series, which is funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention through the National Mentoring Resource Center and facilitated in partnership with MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership. These webinars would not be possible without the planning team, which includes California Mentoring Partnership, The Governor’s Prevention Partnership, Grizzlies Foundation, Illinois Mentoring Partnership, Indiana Mentoring Partnership, Institute for Youth Success, Kansas Mentors, and Mentor Colorado.
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